发布于:2022-09-15 15:17:21
ISO/IEC 646 最新版本为 《ISO/IEC 646:1991》,上一版本为《ISO 646:1983》。

1 Scope

This International Standard specifies a set of 128 characters,(control characters and graphic characters such as letters, digits and symbols) with their coded representation. Most of these characters are mandatory and unchangeable, but provision is made for some flexibility to accommodate national and other requirements.

该国际标准规定了一套由 128 个字符组成的字符集(其中包括 控制字符 和 图形字符 ,例如:字母、数字和符号)以及这些字符对应的编码形式。这些字符中的大多数是强制性的且不可更改,但提供了一些灵活性以适应国家和其它要求。
specify 英 [ˈspesɪˌfaɪ] vt.具体说明; 明确规定; 详述; 详列;
representation 英 [ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃən] n. 表示; 表现; 描述; 描绘; 表现形式; 有代理人; 代表; 维护; 支持; 陈述; 抗议;
character 英[ˈkærəktə(r)] n. 性格; (人、集体的)品质; (地方的)特点; (事物、事件或地方的)特征; 勇气; 毅力; (地方或人的)与众不同之处,特色; 人; 名誉; 人物,角色; 文字,字母,符号; vt. 刻; 印; 使具有特征;
mandatory 英[ˈmændətəri] adj. 强制性的; 强制的; 法定的; 义务的; n. 受托者;
provision 英[prəˈvɪʒn] n. 提供; 供给; 给养; 供应品; (为将来做的)准备; 饮食供应; (尤指旅途中的)粮食; (法律文件的)规定,条款; vt. 为…提供所需物品(尤指食物);
flexibility 英[ˌfleksə'bɪləti] n. 灵活性; 柔韧性; 弹性; 适应性;
accommodate 英[əˈkɒmədeɪt] v. 容纳; 为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等); 为…提供空间; 考虑到; 顾及; 帮忙; 顺应,适应(新情况);
This International Standard specifies a 7-bit coded character set with a number of options. It also provides guidance on how to exercise the options to define specific national versions and application-oriented versions. Furthermore it specifies the International Reference Version (IRV) in which such options have been exercised.
该国际标准规定了一套具有很多选项的 7 位编码字符集。该国际标准在如何操作这些选项去定义指定的国家版本和面向应用程序的版本提供了指导。此外,该国际标准还规定了操作这些选项时使用的国际参考版本 (IRV)。
a number of options 很多方式,很多选项,很多操作,...
guidance 英[ˈɡaɪdns] n. 指导; 引导; 咨询; (火箭等的)制导,导航;
This character set is primarily intended for the interchange of information among data processing systems and associated equipment, and within data communication systems. The need for graphic characters and control functions in data processing has also been taken into account in determining this character set.
该字符集主要用于数据处理系统、相关设备之间和数据通信系统内的信息交换。 在确定该字符集时,还考虑了在数据处理中对图形字符和控制功能的需求。
take into account 考虑到; 把…计算在内;
This character set is applicable to alphabets of the Latin script.
applicable 英[əˈplɪkəbl] adj. 可应用的; 适用; 合适;
alphabet 英[ˈælfəbet] n. 字母表; (一种语言的)全部字母;
the Latin script 拉丁文字
This character set allows the use of control characters for code extension where its character set is insufficient for particular applications. Procedures for the use of these control characters are specified in ISO 2022.
该字符集允许在当前字符集中不能满足一些特定应用程序需求的情况下可以使用控制字符进行代码扩展。 在《ISO 2022》标准中规定了如何使用这些控制字符的程序。
insufficient 英[ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃnt] adj. 不充分的; 不足的; 不够重要的;
procedure 英[prəˈsiːdʒə(r)] n. (商业、法律或政治上的)程序; 手术; (正常)手续; 步骤;
The definitions of the control characters mentioned in this International Standard are specified in ISO 6429. It is assumed that data associated with them are to be processed serially in a forward direction. When they are included in strings of data which are processed other than serially in a forward direction or when they are included in data formatted for fixed-record processing they may have undesirable effects or may require additional special treatment to ensure that they result in their desired function.
《ISO 6429》国际标准,最新版本为 《ISO/IEC 6429:1992 Information technology — Control functions for coded character sets》,参见
本国际标准中关于控制字符的定义已经在《ISO 6429》国际标准中规定。假设与控制字符相关的数据在一个正向队列(或管道中)被串行处理。 当这些控制字符被包含在不是按正向串行处理的数据字符串中或这些控制字符被包含在按照特定顺序进行格式化的数据中时,这些控制字符可能在这些数据中产生不利的影响或可能需要额外的特殊处理以确保它们达到所期望的功能。
definition 英[ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn] n. (尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义,解释; 定义; 清晰度;
serially 英[ˈsɪərɪəli] 美[ˈsɪˌriəli] 网络 串行; 连续地; 认知过程是以系列; 系列; 连续;
in a forward direction 向前
undesirable 英[ˌʌndɪˈzaɪərəbl] adj. 不受欢迎的; 不想要的; 不得人心的; 易惹麻烦的; n. 不受欢迎的人; 不良分子;

2 Conformance and implementation
Conformance 英[kənˈfɔːməns] n. 一致;适应;
implementation 英[ˌɪmplɪmɛnˈteɪʃən] n. 实施; 执行; 贯彻; 生效; 完成; 工具; 仪器; 供给器具;
2.1 Conformance
2.1.1 Conformance of information interchange
A coded-character-data-element (CC-data-element) within coded information for interchange is in conformance with this International Standard if all the coded representations of characters within that CC-data-element conform to the requirements of 8.1 of this International Standard.
representation 英[ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn] n. 表现; 描述; 描绘; 表现形式; 有代理人; 代表; 维护; 支持; 陈述; 抗议;
A clarm of conformance shall identify the version adopted in accordance with 8.2 to 8.4.
2.1.2 Conformance of devices
A device is in conformance with this International Standard if it conforms to the requirements of, and either or both of and below. A clarm of conformance shall identify the version adopted.
此处待补充... ...

3 Normative references

The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

ISO 2022:1986, Information processing - ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets - Code extension techniques.
ISO/IEC 6429: 1) , Information processing - Control functions for 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets.

4 Definitions

For the purpose of this International Standard the following definitions apply.



active position
The character position which is to image the graphic symbol representing the next graphic character or relative to which the next control function is to be executed.
Note 1 to entry: In general, the active position is indicated in a display by a cursor.



bit combination
An ordered set of bits used for the representation of characters.



A member of a set of elements used for the organization, control or representation of data.



character position
The portion of a display that is imaging or is capable of imaging a graphic symbol.



coded character set
A set of unambiguous rules that establishes a character set and the one-to-one relationship between the characters of the set and their bit combinations.



coded-character-data-element (CC-data-element)
An element of interchanged information that is specified to consist of a sequence of coded representations of characters, in accordance with one or more identified standards for coded character sets.
Note 1 to entry: In a communication environment according to the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection (ISO 7498), a CC-data-element will form all or part of the information that corresponds to the Presentation - Protocol -Data - Unit (PPDU) defined in that International Standard.

Note 2 to entry: When information interchange is accomplished by means of interchangeable media, a CC-data-element will form all or part of the information that corresponds to the user data, and not that recorded during formatting and initialization.


code extension
The techniques for the encoding of characters that are not included in the character set of a given code.



code table
A table showing the character allocated to each bit combination in a code.



control character
A control function the coded representation of which consists of a single bit combination.



control function
An action that affects the recording, processing, transmission, or interpretation of data, and that has a coded representation consisting of one or more bit combinations.



A component of information processing equipment which can transmit, and/or receive, coded information within CC-data-elements. Note 1 to entry: It may be an input/output device in the conventional sense, or a process such as an application program or gateway function.



escape sequence
A string of bit combinations that is used for control purposes in code extension procedures. The first of these bit combinations represents the control function ESCAPE.



Final Byte
The bit combination that terminates an escape sequence or a control sequence.



graphic character
A character, other than a control function, that has a visual representation normally handwritten, printed or displayed, and that has a coded representation consisting of one or more bit combinations.



graphic symbol
A visual representation of a graphic character or of a control function.



A specified set of characters that are represented by means of one or more bit combinations of a coded character set.



user A person or other entity that invokes the services provided by a device.

Note 1 to entry: This entity may be a process such as an application program if the "device" is a code convenor or a gateway function, for example.
Note 2 to entry: The characters, as supplied by the user or made available to him, may be in the form of codes local to the device, or of non-conventional visible representations, provided that 2.1.2 above is satisfied.

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